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Administrator Privileges Required
Microsoft Internet Service Manager
Using a Browser to Administer Peer Web Services

Annotation file, defined

annotation file

Annotation files

Creating Annotation Files

Anonymous logons

Configuring FTP Logon
Configuring the Anonymous User Account
Controlling Anonymous Access
How Anonymous Logons and Client Authentication Interact
The Service Property Sheet
anonymous logons


Associating Interpreters with Applications (Script Mapping)
Creating the Applications or Scripts
Installing Your Application on Peer Web Services
Publishing Dynamic Applications
Running Your Application
The Network Application
The ODBC Application
The Services Application

Associating, defined


Authenticating clients

Creating Customized Authentication Schemes
How Anonymous Logons and Client Authentication Interact
Requiring a User Name and Password
The Service Property Sheet

Authentication, defined



Bandwidth control, defined

bandwidth control

Basic clear-text authentication, defined

Basic clear-text authentication

BIND, defined


Bits per second, defined

bits per second (bps)

Bps, defined


Browser, defined



Cache, defined



Acquiring a Certificate
Generating a Key Pair
Installing a Certificate with a Key Pair

CGI application

CGI and Peer Web Services
CGI Application Returns Data to Server
Common Gateway Interface
Creating the Applications or Scripts
Security Considerations for Executables
Server Passes Request to Application
Server Receives Request
Server Returns Data to Client

CGI, defined


Challenge/response, defined


Client authentication

Creating Customized Authentication Schemes
How Anonymous Logons and Client Authentication Interact
Requiring a User Name and Password
The Service Property Sheet

Client-server architecture, defined

client/server architecture

Common Gateway Interface application

Creating the Applications or Scripts

Common Gateway Interface, defined

Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

Computer names

Using Computer Names and LMHOSTS
Using Computer Names with WINS Servers


Configuring Content Directories
Configuring Logging
General Networking Issues
Typical Network Configurations
Windows NT Configuration and Security Checklists
Windows NT Configuration Checklist
Windows NT Security Checklist

Configuring content directories

Access Check Boxes
Account Information
Configuring Content Directories
Home Directory
Virtual Directory

Configuring logging

Configuring Logging

Configuring services

Configuring and Managing Services

Configuring the network

General Networking Issues
Typical Network Configurations

Configuring Windows NT

Windows NT Configuration and Security Checklists
Windows NT Configuration Checklist
Windows NT Security Checklist

Connected user, defined

connected user

Connecting to the Internet

Windows NT Configuration Checklist

Connection messages

Customizing Messages

Content directories

Configuring a Single Content Directory
Configuring Content Directories

Control Panel

Configuring Server Options with Control Panel
The Network Application
The ODBC Application
The Services Application

Controlling user access

Configuring and Managing Services
Controlling Access by User or Group
Controlling Anonymous Access
Creating Customized Authentication Schemes
Setting File Access with Windows Explorer

Cryptography, defined



Data integrity, defined

data integrity

Data Source Name, defined

Data Source Name (DSN)

Data transmissions

Securing Data Transmissions with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)


Authoring Web Pages with Database Access
How the Internet Database Connector Works
Installing ODBC and Creating System Data Sources
Learning the Features of the Internet Database Connector
Publishing Information and Using a Database
Understanding the Sample.htx File
Walking through a Sample Database Query

Database queries

Walking through a Sample Database Query

Default document

Setting the Default Document and Directory Browsing

Definition of terms


Denying access

Requiring a User Name and Password

DHCP server

Using DHCP in Your Intranet

DHCP, defined


Dial-up, defined


Directories property sheet

The Directories Property Sheet

Directory browsing

Directory Listing
Do Not Enable Directory Browsing
Setting the Default Document and Directory Browsing
The Directories Property Sheet

Directory listings

Setting Listing Style

Directory tree

Configuring a Single Content Directory
Configuring Content Directories


Using Domain Names with DNS Servers
Web Browser URL Request

DNS spoofing, defined

DNS spoofing

DNS, defined


Domain controller, defined

domain controller

Domain Name System

Web Browser URL Request
Domain Name System (DNS)

Domain names

Using Domain Names and HOSTS
Using Domain Names with DNS Servers

Domain, defined


DSN, defined


Dynamic applications

Creating the Applications or Scripts
Installing Your Application on Peer Web Services
ISAPI Perl Available for Download
Running Your Application

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, defined

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)


Enable logging

Configuring Logging
How to Read Log Files
Log to File

Encryption, defined


Error messages

Error Messages

Event Viewer

Tracking Problems with Event Viewer


File access

Auditing File Access
Setting NTFS Permissions

File security

NTFS File Security

File Transfer Protocol

How Does the FTP Service Work?
What is the FTP Service?
When Should I Use the FTP Service?
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

File-name extension mapping, defined

file-name extension mapping

Filter, defined


Firewall, defined


Friendly name, defined

friendly name

Friendly names

Name Resolution Systems

FTP clients

FTP Clients

FTP directories

Configuring FTP Directories
Creating Annotation Files
Setting Listing Style
Setting Read and Write Permission
Setting the Home Directory
Special Directories in the Home Directory

FTP Guest account

FTP Guest Account Access

FTP logon

Configuring FTP Logon
Controlling Anonymous Connections
Customizing Messages

FTP services

Configuring and Managing Services
Configuring FTP Logon
Configuring Session Activity
FTP Service Registry Entries
How Anonymous Logons and Client Authentication Interact
How Does the FTP Service Work?
Requiring a User Name and Password
What is the FTP Service?
When Should I Use the FTP Service?

FTP, defined



Gateway, defined


Gopher Plus, defined

Gopher Plus

Gopher services

Configuring and Managing Services
Configuring the Gopher Service
Gopher Service Registry Entries
What is the Gopher Service?

Gopher, defined


Gopherspace, defined


Group access

Controlling Access by User or Group

Guest account

FTP Guest Account Access



About Online Help

Home directories

Home Directory
Setting the Home Directory
Special Directories in the Home Directory

Home directory, defined

home directory

Home page

Default.htm and the Peer Web Services Home Page

HOSTS file

Using Domain Names and HOSTS


Authoring HTML Files
Directory Listing
Dynamic Pages
How Does Peer Web Services Work?
Publishing HTML and Other File Formats
Static Pages
Using Select Multiple List Boxes in HTML Forms
Using URLs and Creating HTML Links for Intranets
Web Browser URL Request
Web Server Response

HTML extension files

CurrentRecord, MaxRecords
HTML Extension (.htx) Files
HTTP variables
Parameters from Internet Database Connector files
Understanding the Sample.htx File

HTML Internet Service Manager program

Using a Browser to Administer Peer Web Services

HTML, defined


HTTP, defined


Hyperlink, defined


Hypertext Markup Language, defined

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

Hypertext Transfer Protocol, defined

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Hypertext, defined



Include statement

Including Other Files with the Include Statement

Index searching

Setting up WAIS Index Queries


Administrator Privileges Required
Before Installing Peer Web Services
FTP Guest Account Access
How to Test Your Peer Web Services Installation
Installation Folder
Installation Overview
Installation Requirements
Installing Peer Web Services
Remove All Button
Windows NT Configuration and Security Checklists

Integrated Services Digital Network, defined

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)

Interactive applications, defined

interactive applications


How to Publish Information
Installation Requirements
Internet Sites
What is the Internet?

Internet adapter card

Unbind Unnecessary Services from Your Internet Adapter Cards

Internet connections

Windows NT Configuration Checklist

Internet Database Connector

How the Internet Database Connector Works
Learning the Features of the Internet Database Connector

Internet Explorer

What is Internet Explorer?

Internet Log Converter, defined

Internet Log Converter

Internet Network Information Center, defined

Internet Network Information Center (InterNIC)

Internet Protocol address, defined

Internet Protocol (IP) address

Internet Protocol, defined

Internet Protocol (IP)

Internet Server Application Programming Interface application

Creating the Applications or Scripts

Internet Service Manager

Administering Servers with Internet Service Manager
Microsoft Internet Service Manager
Using a Browser to Administer Peer Web Services

Internet Service Provider

Windows NT Configuration Checklist
Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

Internet, defined


InterNIC, defined



How to Publish Information
Installation Requirements
Intranet Scenarios
Intranet Sites
Publishing on an Intranet
What is an Intranet?

Intranet, defined


IP address

Name Resolution Systems
IP address

IP network

Troubleshooting an IP Network

IP, defined


ISAPI application

Creating the Applications or Scripts
Execute Permission for ISAPI Applications
Internet Server API
ISAPI Perl Available for Download

ISDN, defined


ISPs, defined


IUSR_computername account

The IUSR_computername Account


Key Manager

Acquiring a Certificate
Backing Up Keys
Generating a Key Pair
Installing a Certificate with a Key Pair
Moving a Key Pair to Another Server

Key pair

Acquiring a Certificate
Backing Up Keys
Generating a Key Pair
Generating a Key Pair on Another Computer
Installing a Certificate with a Key Pair
Loading a Key Created with Keygen.exe and Setkey.exe
Loading Backed Up Keys
Moving a Key Pair to Another Server


Leased line, defined

leased line

Link, defined



Using Computer Names and LMHOSTS

Log file, defined

log file

Log files

Configuring Logging
Converting Log File Formats
How to Read Log Files
Log to File


Configuring Logging
Converting Log File Formats
How to Read Log Files

Logging property sheet

The Logging Property Sheet

Logging, defined


Logon data

The Logging Property Sheet


Management Information Databases, defined

Management Information Databases (MIBs)

MIBs, defined


Microsoft Developer Network

Creating the Applications or Scripts

MIME mapping

MIME Type Configuration
Server MIME Mapping
MIME mapping

Monitoring server

Configuring Logging

MonitoringWeb site

Monitoring Services with Performance Monitor

Multiple content directories

Configuring Content Directories

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension mapping

MIME Type Configuration
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) mapping


Name resolution

Name Resolution Systems
name resolution

Network application

The Network Application

Network configuration

General Networking Issues
Typical Network Configurations

Network News Transfer Protocol, defined

Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)

Network services

Running Other Network Services
Running Other Network Services

NNTP, defined


NTFS file security

How Peer Web Services Security Works
NTFS File Security
Setting NTFS Permissions


ODBC drivers

32-Bit ODBC Drivers
Converting 16-Bit ODBC Drivers to 32-Bit during Setup
Installing ODBC and Creating System Data Sources
Microsoft Access ODBC Drivers
ODBC Advanced Optional Fields
Publishing Information and Using a Database
The ODBC Application

Online help

About Online Help
About the Online Examples


Packet, defined


Page types

Directory Listing
Dynamic Pages
Static Pages
Web Server Response

Page, defined


Password authentication

Controlling Security by User Name and Password
Requiring a User Name and Password
password authentication

Pausing services

Starting, Stopping, and Pausing Services

Peer Web Services

How Do I Use Peer Web Services?
How Does Peer Web Services Work?
How Peer Web Services Security Works
What Can I Do with Peer Web Services?
What is Peer Web Services?
Peer Web Services

People with disabilities

Access Pack for Microsoft Windows
Accessibility for People with Disabilities
Customizing Windows
Getting More Information
Keyboard Layouts for Single-Handed Users
Microsoft Documentation on Audio Cassettes and Floppy Disks
Microsoft Services for People Who Are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing
Products for People Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision

Performance Monitor

Monitoring Services with Performance Monitor

Permissions for reading and writing

Setting Read and Write Permission

Policies, defined


Port number, defined

port number

Preparing to publish

Authoring HTML Files
Including Other Files with the Include Statement
MIME Type Configuration
Preparing Information for Publishing
Publishing HTML and Other File Formats

Program file, defined

program file

Protocol, defined


Proxy, defined



Attempting to Publish from Redirected Network Drives
How to Publish Information
Installation Requirements
Preparing Information for Publishing
Publishing Dynamic Applications
Publishing Information and Using a Database
Publishing on an Intranet
Setting WWW Directory Access

Publishing directories

Configuring a Single Content Directory

Publishing on the Internet

Attempting to Publish from Redirected Network Drives
How to Publish Information
Installation Requirements

Publishing on the Intranet

Attempting to Publish from Redirected Network Drives
How to Publish Information
Installation Requirements
Publishing on an Intranet



Using Batch Queries and Multiple Queries
Walking through a Sample Database Query



Intranet Scenarios

RAS, defined


Read and write permissions

Setting Read and Write Permission

Reading log files

How to Read Log Files

Redirected network drives

Attempting to Publish from Redirected Network Drives

Registry Editor

Adding Virtual Directories by Using the Registry
Creating Registry Entries

Registry entries

Adding Virtual Directories by Using the Registry
Associating Interpreters with Applications (Script Mapping)
Creating Registry Entries
FTP Service Registry Entries
Global Registry Entries
Gopher Service Registry Entries
Server MIME Mapping
Service-Specific Registry Entries with Common Names
Setup Registry Entries
WWW Service Registry Entries

Remote Access Service, defined

Remote Access Service (RAS)

Remote administration

Using a Browser to Administer Peer Web Services
remote administration

Remote Procedure Call, defined

Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Remove All button

Content Folders and Files
Event Log Availability
Remove All Button

Routeable protocol

Routers and Security Devices

Router, defined



Routers and Security Devices

RPC, defined


Running your application

Associating Interpreters with Applications
Security Implications


Sample.htx file

Understanding the Sample.htx File

Script, defined



Associating Interpreters with Applications (Script Mapping)
Installing Your Application on Peer Web Services
Publishing Dynamic Applications
Running Your Application

Secure Sockets Layer

Configuring a Directory to Require SSL
How Peer Web Services Security Works
Securing Data Transmissions with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Suggestions for SSL Configuration and Operation
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)


Configuring FTP Logon
Controlling Access by User or Group
Controlling Anonymous Access
How Peer Web Services Security Works
Routers and Security Devices
Running Other Network Services
Securing Data Transmissions with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Security Considerations for Executables
Setting File Access with Windows Explorer
Setting Folder and File Permissions
Setting Up User Accounts
Setting WWW Directory Access
Windows NT Security Checklist

Server, monitoring

Configuring Logging

Service property sheet

The Service Property Sheet

Service, defined



Configuring and Managing Services
Configuring Logging
Selecting a View
Starting, Stopping, and Pausing Services
The Services Application
What is the Gopher Service?

Services on your computer

Selecting a View
Starting, Stopping, and Pausing Services

Session communications

Verifying TCP/IP Session Communications

Setup process

Converting 16-Bit ODBC Drivers to 32-Bit during Setup
Setup Process for Peer Web Services
The IUSR_computername Account

Sharing applications

Publishing Dynamic Applications
The Network Application

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, defined

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Simple Network Management Protocol, defined

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

Single content directories

Configuring a Single Content Directory

Slow link, defined

slow link

SMTP, defined


SNMP, defined


SQL queries

Using Batch Queries and Multiple Queries


Configuring a Directory to Require SSL
How Peer Web Services Security Works
Securing Data Transmissions with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Suggestions for SSL Configuration and Operation

SSL security, defined

SSL security

Starting services

Starting, Stopping, and Pausing Services

Static page, defined

static page

Stopping services

Starting, Stopping, and Pausing Services


Internet Sites

Subnet mask, defined

subnet mask

System Data Source Name, defined

System Data Source Name (DSN)

System data sources

Installing ODBC and Creating System Data Sources


Tag files

Creating Tag Files
Interpreting Item Types
Tag Files
tag files


General Networking Issues
Verifying TCP/IP Session Communications

TCP/IP, defined



How to Test Your Peer Web Services Installation

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

General Networking Issues
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

Transmitting data

Securing Data Transmissions with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)


Tracking Problems with Event Viewer
Troubleshooting an IP Network


Uniform Resource Locator

How Does Peer Web Services Work?
Using URLs and Creating HTML Links for Intranets
Web Browser URL Request
Uniform Resource Locator (URL)


How Does Peer Web Services Work?
Using URLs and Creating HTML Links for Intranets
Web Browser URL Request

URL, defined


Usenet, defined


User access

Configuring and Managing Services
Controlling Access by User or Group
Controlling Anonymous Access
Creating Customized Authentication Schemes
FTP Guest Account Access
Setting File Access with Windows Explorer

User accounts

Configuring the Anonymous User Account
Requiring a User Name and Password
Setting Up User Accounts
User Accounts


Viewing services

Report View
Selecting a View
Servers View
Services View

Virtual directories

Adding Virtual Directories by Using the Registry
Creating Virtual Directories
Virtual Directory

Virtual directory, defined

virtual directory

Volatile objects, defined

volatile objects


WAIS index queries

Setting up WAIS Index Queries

Web browser, defined

Web browser

Web browsing

Client Errors Browsing FTP, Directory Annotation Enabled
How Does Peer Web Services Work?
Using a Browser to Administer Peer Web Services
Web Browser URL Request
Web Server Response

Web page, defined

Web page

Web pages

Authoring Web Pages with Database Access
Directory Listing
Dynamic Pages
Static Pages
Web Browser URL Request
Web Server Response

Web server

Connecting to a Web Server
How to Test Your Peer Web Services Installation
Using a Browser to Administer Peer Web Services
Web server

Wide Area Information Search index queries

Setting up WAIS Index Queries

Windows Explorer

Setting File Access with Windows Explorer

Windows Internet Name Service server, defined

Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) server

Windows NT

Configuring Server Options with Control Panel
How Peer Web Services Security Works
Setting NTFS Permissions
Using Other Windows NT Tools
Windows NT Configuration and Security Checklists
Windows NT Configuration Checklist
Windows NT Security Checklist

WINS server

Using Computer Names with WINS Servers
WINS server

World Wide Web, defined

World Wide Web (WWW)

WWW publishing directory

Setting WWW Directory Access

WWW services

Configuring and Managing Services
How Anonymous Logons and Client Authentication Interact
Requiring a User Name and Password
Understanding the Sample.htx File
WWW Service Registry Entries

WWW, defined


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